Earthquake Information Products
The USGS develops a prompt estimate with earthquake magnitude and location.
Minutes to 10's of minutes later the USGS releases four main follow-up reports
relating to earthquake shaking and possible
ENS can send you text summary reports for any/all of these products.
Reports cannot be combined.
- Event Report - magnitude and location
- Earliest available report of earthquake occurrence.
- Contains earthquake time, location, magnitude and list of nearby cities or features.
Delivered normally 5 to 15 minutes after U.S. earthquakes,
and 10 to 20 minutes moderate and large earthquakes elsewhere in the world. - Settings:
- Earthquake magnitudes.
- Notification hours, for example, to only message during waking hours.
- Destination email or email-to-SMS address
- Message format, either email or short message.
- Detailed instructions
- PAGER Summary - Estimated impacts to people and property
- Preferred report for users who need a compact summary of anticipated earthquake consequences.
- Content produced by the PAGER (Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response) Project.
- Delivery normally 20-40 minutes after an earthquake.
- Available for most M4+ earthquakes in the U.S. and M5+ elsewhere in the world.
- Historically PAGER has reported on 1 to 2 events per week.
- Settings:
- Threshold for sending, defined by earthquake magnitude, Modified Mercalli Shaking Intensity, or the PAGER-specific Earthquake Intensity Scale.
- Destination email or email-to-SMS address
- Example message formats: email PAGER report or short PAGER report.
- Detailed instructions
- Aftershock forecasts - what could come after a large (U.S.) earthquake
- Large earthquakes normally have aftershocks, and occasionaly trigger a larger earthquake.
- Select the Aftershock Forecast product to get a summary of probabilities of aftershocks by magnitude.
- Produced by the Operational Earthquake Forecast (OAF) Project for M5+ earthquakes in the U.S. and Territories.
- Delivered about 25 minutes after the Event Report, with one update at one hour.
- Typically fewer than 1 to 2 events per week.
- Settings:
- Destination email or email-to-SMS address
- Example OAF message formats: email OAF report or short OAF report.
- Detailed instructions
- ShakeMap Text Summary - peak shaking intensity
- ShakeMaps are developed for moderate and large earthqakes.
- The ENS report is a brief summary, not the map itself.
- ShakeMaps become available 5 to 10 minutes after the Event Report.
- For most users the PAGER report will better meet their needs. The PAGER report contains the ShakeMap, plus much more information.
- ShakeMaps are developed for moderate and large earthquakes worldwide.
- Select the ShakeMap product if you have particular need to know when a new ShakeMap becomes available for an earthquake in your region.
- Settings:
- Destination email or email-to-SMS address
- Example ShakeMap summary message format: email ShakeMap summary report
- Detailed instructions
- ShakeAlert® - follow-up notice.
- After the ShakeAlert® earthquake early warning system reports an earthquake, a system performance report is sent for the USGS web pages.
- ENS sends a short text summary when ShakeAlert® releases a new report.
- Only for moderate and large earthqakes in California, Oregon and Washington.
- Normally delivered 8-15 minutes after the earthquake.
- This product might interest followers of USGS the ShakeAlert® system earthquake early warning Project.
- Not helpful for protection.
- Settings:
- Destination email or email-to-SMS address
- Example ShakeAlert ENS summary message: email ShakeAlert summary report
- Detailed instructions