Station AC13



Plot showing NA2014 data (All data)

These plots depict the North, East and Up components of the station as a function of time. More detailed explanation »

Dashed vertical lines show offsets (when present) due to:

  • Green – antenna changes from site logs
  • Red – earthquakes
  • Blue – manually entered



Velocity (mm/yr)Velocity standard deviation (mm/yr)Last observationIntercept (mm)Intercept standard deviation (mm)Reference dateReference yearReference day of year


Decimal date N offset (mm) N uncertainty (mm) E offset (mm) E uncertainty (mm) U offset (mm) U uncertainty (mm) Type Earthquake magnitude Earthquake information Distance from epicenter (km)
2015-05-29 2015.4052 -4.25 1.46 4.11 1.38 9.06 4.82 earthquake 6.7 ak11610140 99.5
2016-01-24 2016.06297 2.35 0.51 0.72 0.48 -0.82 1.64 earthquake 7.1 us10004gqp 444.7
2018-01-23 2018.06023 2.8 1.42 -3.28 1.34 -3.53 4.51 earthquake 7.9 us2000cmy3 404
2020-07-22 2020.55578 0.99 1.66 -0.91 1.53 4.83 5.86 earthquake 7.8 at00qdux98 203.6
2020-10-19 2020.79945 -4.81 1.53 -4.45 1.42 3.22 5.16 earthquake 7.6 us6000c9hg 290
2021-07-29 2021.57221 48 2.18 146.34 1.93 48.7 4.75 earthquake 8.2 ak0219neiszm 150.5
2023-07-16 2023.53662 -14.27 1.02 5.42 1.03 0.51 2.52 earthquake 7.2 us7000kg30 360.8


White noise (mm)Amplitude of first power law (mm/yr^(n1/4))n1 (spectral index of first power law)Lower frequency limit for band-pass (BP) filtered noise (cycle/year)Upper frequency limit for band-pass (BP) filtered noise (cycle/year) Number of poles for BP filtered noiseAmplitude of BP filtered noise (mm)n2 (spectral index of second power law)Amplitude of second power law (mm/yr^(n2/4))


Decimal date N log amplitude (mm) N log amplitude standard deviation (mm) N time constant (years) E log amplitude (mm) E log amplitude standard deviation (mm) E time constant (years) U log amplitude (mm) U log amplitude standard deviation (mm) U time constant (years)
2015-05-29 2015.4052 0.28 0.51 0.0001 -0.41 0.49 0.0001 -1.91 1.57 0.0001
2018-01-23 2018.06023 0.89 0.49 0.0001 -1.35 0.47 0.0001 0.74 1.4 0.0001
2020-07-23 2020.55578 -0.23 0.61 0.0001 0.86 0.57 0.0001 -1.91 2.08 0.0001
2020-10-20 2020.79945 0.16 0.57 0.0001 -0.44 0.53 0.0001 0.5 1.85 0.0001
2021-07-29 2021.57221 -94.15 0.7 0.0001 45.38 0.65 0.0001 6.37 1.55 0.0001


Reference dateReference yearReference day of yearAmplitude of cosine (365.25-day period), mmStandard deviation of cosine amplitude (365.25-day period)Amplitude of sine (365.25-day period), mmStandard deviation of sine amplitude (365.25-day period)Amplitude of cosine (180.625-day period), mmStandard deviation of cosine amplitude (180.625-day period)Amplitude of sine (180.625-day period), mmStandard deviation of sine amplitude (180.625-day period)Amplitude of cosine (14.76-day period), mmStandard deviation of cosine amplitude (14.76-day period)Amplitude of sine (14.76-day period), mmStandard deviation of sine amplitude (14.76-day period)Amplitude of cosine (13.63-day period), mmStandard deviation of cosine amplitude (13.63-day period)Amplitude of sine (13.63-day period), mmStandard deviation of sine amplitude (13.63-day period)



Plot showing ITRF2014 data (All data)

These plots depict the North, East and Up components of the station as a function of time. More detailed explanation »

Dashed vertical lines show offsets (when present) due to:

  • Green – antenna changes from site logs
  • Red – earthquakes
  • Blue – manually entered



Velocity (mm/yr)Velocity standard deviation (mm/yr)Last observationIntercept (mm)Intercept standard deviation (mm)Reference dateReference yearReference day of year


Decimal date N offset (mm) N uncertainty (mm) E offset (mm) E uncertainty (mm) U offset (mm) U uncertainty (mm) Type Earthquake magnitude Earthquake information Distance from epicenter (km)
2015-05-29 2015.4052 -3.46 1.46 4.89 1.38 10.55 4.82 earthquake 6.7 ak11610140 99.5
2016-01-24 2016.06297 2.37 0.51 0.61 0.48 -0.65 1.64 earthquake 7.1 us10004gqp 444.7
2018-01-23 2018.06023 1.7 1.42 -3.39 1.34 -3.9 4.51 earthquake 7.9 us2000cmy3 404
2020-07-22 2020.55578 0.25 1.66 -0.37 1.53 3.88 5.86 earthquake 7.8 at00qdux98 203.6
2020-10-19 2020.79945 -3.09 1.53 -6.49 1.42 -0.3 5.16 earthquake 7.6 us6000c9hg 290
2021-07-29 2021.57221 47.38 2.17 148.84 1.92 47.97 4.74 earthquake 8.2 ak0219neiszm 150.5
2023-07-16 2023.53662 -14.54 1.02 6.8 1.03 -0.58 2.52 earthquake 7.2 us7000kg30 360.8


White noise (mm)Amplitude of first power law (mm/yr^(n1/4))n1 (spectral index of first power law)Lower frequency limit for band-pass (BP) filtered noise (cycle/year)Upper frequency limit for band-pass (BP) filtered noise (cycle/year) Number of poles for BP filtered noiseAmplitude of BP filtered noise (mm)n2 (spectral index of second power law)Amplitude of second power law (mm/yr^(n2/4))


Decimal date N log amplitude (mm) N log amplitude standard deviation (mm) N time constant (years) E log amplitude (mm) E log amplitude standard deviation (mm) E time constant (years) U log amplitude (mm) U log amplitude standard deviation (mm) U time constant (years)
2015-05-29 2015.4052 -0.04 0.51 0.0001 -0.69 0.49 0.0001 -2.63 1.57 0.0001
2018-01-23 2018.06023 1.2 0.49 0.0001 -1.28 0.47 0.0001 1.23 1.4 0.0001
2020-07-23 2020.55578 0.01 0.61 0.0001 0.51 0.57 0.0001 -1.53 2.08 0.0001
2020-10-20 2020.79945 -0.47 0.57 0.0001 0.42 0.53 0.0001 1.33 1.85 0.0001
2021-07-29 2021.57221 -93.91 0.69 0.0001 44.45 0.65 0.0001 6.98 1.55 0.0001


Reference dateReference yearReference day of yearAmplitude of cosine (365.25-day period), mmStandard deviation of cosine amplitude (365.25-day period)Amplitude of sine (365.25-day period), mmStandard deviation of sine amplitude (365.25-day period)Amplitude of cosine (180.625-day period), mmStandard deviation of cosine amplitude (180.625-day period)Amplitude of sine (180.625-day period), mmStandard deviation of sine amplitude (180.625-day period)Amplitude of cosine (14.76-day period), mmStandard deviation of cosine amplitude (14.76-day period)Amplitude of sine (14.76-day period), mmStandard deviation of sine amplitude (14.76-day period)Amplitude of cosine (13.63-day period), mmStandard deviation of cosine amplitude (13.63-day period)Amplitude of sine (13.63-day period), mmStandard deviation of sine amplitude (13.63-day period)

These results are preliminary. The station positions are unchecked and should not be used for any engineering applications. There may be errors in the antenna heights. The velocities are very dependent on the length of the span of observations. The presence of outliers (errant observations) sometimes contaminates the velocities.

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