Plate 1. Velocity solution in (a) map-view at 4-km depth, and (b) southeast-northwest (B-B') and (c) southwest-northeast (A-A') cross sections. Velocity color scale is shown in lower right. Magnetic body modeled by R.C. Jachens (USGS) is indicated by thickness contour lines (km) in (a). MM, Middle Mountain; GH, Gold Hill; CL, Coalinga epicenter; KH, Kettleman Hills epicenter. In cross sections, SAF, San Andreas fault; CA, Coalinga Anticline. Asterisks in (c) show hypocenters of the 1966 Parkfield and 1984 Coalinga earthquakes. (d) Resistivity model computed by S.D. Stanley (USGS), using magnetotelluric data in a 2-D inversion. Triangles indicate observations points. From Eberhart-Phillips and Michael (1993).